The Study Council
The study council consists of the Vice Head of Department, as well as the Heads and Vice Heads of the Departments' study boards.

The study council discuss a wide range of issues across the courses and serve as a forum for exchange of experience.
The study council does not have any formal influence, but provides input to the work of the department council and the individual study boards.
The study council holds approximately three meetings per semester, and there is usually one seminar per year, which allows for more in-depth discussion of a specific and topical theme.
Mia Arp Fallov, Vice Head of Department for the Study Programmes
The Bachelor's Programme in Social Work:
Maria Appel Nissen, Head of Study Board
Camilla Rosenberg Otzen, Vice Head of Study Board
The Bachelor's and Master's Programmes in Sociology:
Rasmus Juul Møberg, Head of Study Board
Mathias Bylov Damsgaard, Vice Head of Study Board
The Master's Programme in Socal Work:
Maja Lundemark Andersen, Head of Study Board
Harald Jørgen Pedersen, Vice Head of Study Board
The Master's Programme in Criminology:
Annette Olesen, Head of Study Board
Clara Hollerup Gade, Vice Head of Study Board
The Master in Vulnerable Children and Young People, Professional Management (MBU):
Mie Engen, Head of Study Board
Stella Hoff Bruun, Vice Head of Study Board
ADVANCES / Nordic Master in Social Work (NOSWEL):
Lars Uggerhøj, Head of Programme
Secretary: Mette Rytter Christensen