Student counselling
The Department of Sociology and Social Work has six student counsellors. They are there to provide counselling regarding your education for instance if you are considering a stay abroad, if you are having doubts about your possibilities in relation to the composition of your master, if you need guidance to plan you study course, and much more. You can also receive help to handle personal issues, that might affect your studies. You can read more about, what the counsellors have to offer in the welcoming letter.

When navigating this webpage please notice that some of the study programmes and study programme related pages are only presented in Danish.
Mental problems, exam anxiety, etc.
If you need help dealing with psychological problems, exam anxiety, or other similar problems, you can find more information about the various offers at AAU Study and well-being guidance.
You are off course always welcome to contact the decentralised student counsellors first so that they can guide you and make sure to let you know about relevant possibilities for support and assistance.
You can meet the student counsellors during the weekly office hours or schedule a meeting via mail or telephone.
The student counsellors are also the ones representing the education to newcomers. They will be present at different arrangements such as "Open Days", "Master's Days" og "study internship".